The Fidelium-net card

The Fidelization principle

The fidelization solution Fidelium-net allows you to improve :

Customer relationship :

  • Know your customers and their profiles
  • Develop a long-term and personalized relationship with its customers through commercial actions and communication

Activity and attendance :

  • Increase the average basket of your customers
  • Increase the attendance of your loyal customers
  • Conquer new customers
  • increase activity by 8% and average basket by 6% on average each year *

Communication :

  • Communicate with your customers according to personalized criteria to motivate purchase
  • Take advantage of the network to reduce costs and target marketing actions

* (results reported for Fidelium-net equipped downtowns analyzed by research professors)

The process

  1. customers get a customizable card that identifies them
  2. they conduct credit and debit transactions
  3. transactions are instantly transmitted in a database
  4. you analyse your customers’ behaviour via CRM
  5. you communicate from the association’s website
  6. you conduct targeted communication campaigns (Emailing, SMS…)
  7. you analyse the impact of your campaigns on customer activity via the statistics tool